Second-grader says he sounds just like Johnny Cash, then proves it as crowd jumps

YouTube / kharmon367

When “Little John” stepped up on stage and told his audience what songs he was going to be signing, they would have been forgiven for expecting little more than a zealous kid trying his hand at something he might one day actually be good at.

Little did they know that this particular boy had more than just a big of a thing for playing Johnny Cash songs. Suffice to say his talent far exceeds his years, and his voice quickly captured the attention of all in the room.

YouTube / kharmon367

So, talent = check, self-confidence = check, stage presence = check … but that’s not all.

“Little John” had a little something extra hidden up those blue shirt sleeves of his; something he was waiting to unleash when the time was right.

About halfway through his performance, he ramped things up to a whole new level.

You can see what we’re talking about in the video below:

It’s not every day you see a second-grader with this sort of confidence and ability! Johnny Cash would certainly be proud.

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