Shannen Doherty blames one film for destroying her “film career” – “It died”

Though she’s undoubtably a well-known actress on the small screen, Shannen Doherty‘s film career never really took off with the same level of success.

Now the actress has shared her thoughts as to why that was the case, blaming one film – and by association one screenwriter –in the process.

Recently, Doherty welcomed Jay and Silent Bob creator Kevin Smith onto her Let’s Be Clear podcast, with the duo discussing, amongst other things, the disastrous box office showing of Smith’s 1995 comedy Mallrats.

The film, which Doherty starred in along with Ben Affleck, Jason Lee, and Jeremy London, was supposed to pave the way for the actress’s transition onto the big screen.

Interestingly, the film has developed cult-status over the two decades since, though its initial reception was far from positive.

“That’s kind of the interesting thing about ‘Mallrats,’ right, is that it wasn’t a box office success,” Doherty said during her chat with Smith.

Smith added: “Oh, it died.”

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“People literally thought that I was carrying the movie, so therefore it was a box office failure; it was completely on me. So there was no film career after that, which was a little brutal,” Doherty went on.

“I really thought ‘Mallrats’ was going to kick me into that gear [of making movies].”

Screenwriter Smith, 52, then offered an apology: “She’s right, man. It’s like, if this works, here goes the movie career. And it really did not. Boy, I apologize for that.”

As per reports, Mallrats only made just over $2 million at the box office while its budget was $6 million.

Credit / Instagram – @theshando

In the same podcast appearance, Smith confirmed that a script for a potential sequel to the movie has existed for some time, adding that he was “game” for working on the project at some point in the future.

Doherty, of course, is fully focused on her fight with stage 4 cancer. Last year the actress revealed that the illness had spread to her brain and her bones, though she spoke earlier this month about staying positive.

“[Dr Piro] and me talk about how we just need to squeeze out another three to five years and then there’s going to be T-cell therapy, or this or that which will give so many more options,” she said.

“Then there’s going to be another five years, and in another five year there’s a whole other set of options, and then in another five years there’s a cure.”

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