The amazing story of Tru Beare, born weighing just 1 pound

All babies born are a gift from God, a treasure unto this world that restore our faith in all that is good.

A woman falling pregnant is most often a time for celebration; a time where the entire family can get excited over welcoming a new life and envisioning the bright future that is to come.

Of course, few pregnancies are without their trials. Delivering a newborn can be fraught with risk – even with all the wonders of modern science, things can and do go wrong.

Rob Beare

The story of little Tru Wende Beare is an amazing one. Born 14-weeks premature, weighing just 1 pound, she was in a fight right from the very start of her life.

Rob Beare

Her mom was able hold baby Tru for the first time eleven days after her birth. Thanks to the efforts of the team at Royal Columbian Hospital, in New Westminster, Canada, Tru grew stronger.

Her fight, however, was far from over.

Tru became sick and for a number of weeks she was kept in an incubator that helped her to stay alive. At day 54, her dad was able to cuddle her for the first time, and he loved every moment of it.

Rob Beare

Tru had all kinds of battles to wage, but she eventually began to show signs of improvement. On day 71, she graduated from the incubator to the crib … nothing was going to hold her back.

Day 90 saw this brave little girl switch to low-flow oxygen, and from there the only way was up.

Rob Beare

Finally, after four long and trying months in the hospital, Tru was able to go home.

Her stay included two battles with Necrotizing Enterocolitis, two blood clots, chronic lung disease, MRSA, retinopathy, two blood infections – including sepsis – a congenital heart defect, and seven blood transfusions.

Rob Beare

Tru’s start to life was far from easy, but this little girl’s story is beyond inspiring. Tru is now a healthy toddler and big sister because people were willing to fight for her.

Look at them chubby little cheeks that beautiful smile and cute eyes….

Rob Beare

Fortunately, everything seems to have gone well and Tru is now growing steadily. Now, Tru is over 3 years old, living a healthy life, full of happiness and joy.

Just look at her today!

Facebook / Chantal Beare

I absolutely love seeing how big she’s gotten! It makes my heart so happy to see that she’s doing well! Seeing her when she was first born to where she is now, she is a beautiful living walking miracle.

Facebook / Chantal Beare

Wow! Baby Tru, you’re so inspiring! We wish you the happiest life and all the very best moving forward.

Share this article so more people can hear of this baby’s amazing story. She’s definitely a gift unto the world!

This is the amazing story of baby Tru… ❤️?

This is the amazing story of baby Tru… ❤️?

Posted by Sharing is Caring on Wednesday, April 29, 2020

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