Their life turned into a tragedy after a horrible car accident. But they decided to keep on fighting. Just one year later, something wonderful happens that once again fills their lives with love.
Young Kyle was celebrating his fifth birthday. Together with his sisters, 4-year-old Emma and 2-year-old Katie, his mom Lori and grandma Cindy they were on their way to an amusement park. Kyle just loved the nearby zoo and the Ferris wheel. Everyone was cheerful, joyful and happy. When the day turned into afternoon it was time to drive home and they got into the minivan. Soon they found themselves stuck in terrible traffic jam. Lori turned around to tickle her youngest daughters toes. That would be the last time she saw her daughter laugh.
Image source: Facebook.

Suddenly, out of nowhere, a big rig in high speed smashed into the back of the minivan. Lori and grandma Cindy was knocked unconscious. The kids were severely injured and were taken to hospital immediately.
Image source: Youtube.

When Chris, the dad, got the call, he rushed to the hospital. But by then, it was already too late. Emma and Katie were dead. However, the parents still had some hope Kyle would survive. Sadly, their hopes were crushed when doctors told them Kyle wouldn’t make it either. With great sorrow in their hearts they had to let the medical personnel stop life support and turn off the machine that kept Kyle alive. Together with his wife, Chris held his hand on Kyle’s chest until his heart stopped beating.
Image source: Facebook.

Their loss became terrifyingly real when it was time for the funeral and they had to see Kyle, Emma, and Katie for the last time.
Image source: Facebook.

The grief was almost impossible to handle. Lori and Chris lived in an area with lots of families with children. Every time they heard a child laugh they closed their windows and went into a room in the back of the house. They went away on Halloween to avoid kids knocking at the door.
Image source: Youtube.

Some days the grief was so hard to carry, suicide felt like the only option for both of them. However, they decided they would stay alive, keep on fighting and never leave each other.
Image source: Youtube.

And they decided something else as well. Three months after the accident they made the choice to try to have more kids. Since the accident they had described themselves as parents without children. It was time for a change. For medical reasons they tried in vitro fertilization. And even though they decided they just wanted one kid, Lori got pregnant with triplets: two girls and one boy. Just like Emma, Katie and Kyle.
Image source: Facebook.

One year after the accident, when they lost Kyle, Emma and Katie, Lori gave birth to triplets: Ashley, Elie and Jake. ”They’ll never replace Kyle, Emma and Katie. But the joy is back in the house. It’s back in our hearts. They fill our lives again, with love and happiness and laughter”, Lori says.
Image source: Youtube.

The triplets are aware they had three siblings before. The pictures of Kyle, Emma and Jake are still on the walls and they visit the cemetery together. Cause in this house there’s not just three kids… there’s six. Kyle, Emma and Katie will never be forgotten.
Image source: Facebook.

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