When you’re days away from delivering a baby, posing for photos probably isn’t your number one priority. That’s why when one wife informed her husband that she didn’t really feel like being part of a serious maternal photoshoot, he decided to turn the whole thing on its head.
When Todd Cameron has a plan, he sees it through to the end. Anyone doubting that need only look as far as the photoshoot he organized for himself and his pregnant wife, after being inspired by an ‘Alien’s Chestbuster’ model at a recent garage sale.
He told Bored Panda: “I had an idea for the general story and props needed, including carving the alien pod pumpkin and Nicole took care of finding our “out there” wardrobe.”
Todd and his wife Nicole are huge fans of all things Halloween, which is why it should come as little surprise that the photoshoot Todd devised was on the scary side.
“We actually first met at Halloween,” Todd said. “We always hand-make elaborate costumes and we go all out on Halloween decorations at our house, so this was really just a fun way to celebrate who we are while passing on a few smiles and laughs in the process!”
“The photo shoot took about an hour and, though chilly and muddy on the pumpkin patch, it was so much fun,” he continued. “We just kept laughing at the absurdity of it and hoping the employees of the farm wouldn’t drive by to see us covered in blood.”
Fortunately, their photographer, Li Carter, proved to be up to the task of capturing the uniquely grotesque shoot.
“Li is very laid back, easy to work with, and we always make a great team with our collaborations. She, as always, was the perfect choice for this shoot.”
The images from the shoot ended up going viral fairly quickly, and it’s not all that difficult to see why.
So, what’s all the big fuss about? Well … see below:

We know what you’re thinking: Possibly the most gruesome maternity shoot ever? But it sure does look fun! Props to this couple for their wicked sense of humor!
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