Unknown couple does something absolutely heartwarming for this dad and his son

Kevon Smith. Sr. was sitting in a restaurant in Willoughby, Ohio, enjoying breakfast with his three-month-old son.

Suddenly, he noticed an old couple staring intently at them through the window.   

Source: Flickr

Kevon was confused and wondered what was going on.

Then, when he and his son later left the restaurant, he was even more confused. There, on his car’s windshield, he discovered a folded, handwritten note.

Source: Shutterstock

Kevon opened the note and discovered what it said: “Today your meal is on my wife and me. Enjoy that baby boy as long as God intends. Keep doing what you’re doing. The Masons.”

Enclosed with the note were bills, intended to pay for Kevon and his son’s restaurant visit.

Source: Tiffany Tucker (Facebook)

The elderly couple obviously were moved by Kevon’s simple, but honest display of fatherhood. Kevon, was, of course, caught off guard with the note and kind gesture. Kevon had himself grown without a dad, and had decided that his son was the most important thing in his life. The incident had an even more profound impact on him.

“There’s a lot of guys I know that aren’t taking care of their kids. To show that not all of us are out here being gang bangers, some of us are out here being fathers,” Kevon told Cleveland19 News.

Kevon added that he plans to pay it forward by doing something kind for another stranger. When his son gets older he will also remember to tell him this story – as a timeless example of what a simple, kind gesture can do.

Source: Kevon Smith Sr. (Facebook)

Wouldn’t it be nice if we all, at some point or another, also make a small but meaningful gesture toward a stranger? This story has certainly inspired me to and that’s why I’m sharing it so more people can also be inspired to do something nice for others. If you agree, feel free to share this article with your friends!

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