For married couples, their wedding day is a day they’ll remember for the rest of their lives. And because it’s so important, couples do everything they can to make sure nothing goes wrong.
But sometimes, things don’t quite work out the way thet planned. Just ask Stuart and Vicky, whose wedding took a most unexpected turn right in the middle of the ceremony…
Stuart Kettell and the love of his life, Vicky, had been looking forward to their wedding day for a long time. Then finally, the big day arrived, and their loved ones gathered to see them promise to be there for each other for the rest of their lives.
To the couple’s great relief, everything went as planned… At least at first.

But when it came time to exchange rings, Stuart couldn’t find them. He fervently looked through his pockets as all the guests in the church held their breath. But unfortunately, Stuart came up empty-handed.
In front of a horrified bride and a church full of surprised guests, the minister declared that the wedding couldn’t continue without the rings. So Stuart hightailed it out of the church!

The bride looked devastated and the guests wondered how Stuart could be so stupid as to forget the rings.
But Stuart was no fool. On the contrary, he had cooked up a crazy plan — that only he and the minister were in on.

Just as Stuart left the church, a video started playing on a screen behind the bride’s back.
As the pre-recorded video played, the bride and the wedding guests got to follow Stuart’s crazy trip home to retrieve the rings that he had “forgotten.”

Stuart really put himself out there, and judging by the bride’s reaction, it wasn’t the first time that he had pulled such a stunt.
The wonderful video caused the whole church to burst into laughter.

In the end, Stuart returned with the rings, and the wedding finally had its happy ending. I’m sure the couple will live a happy life together, and they really had an unforgettable wedding!
Watch the hilarious prank in the player below. It made me laugh out loud a bunch of times!
Please share this unexpected moment so your friends can also have a good laugh today. Talk about an unforgettable day!