World War II veteran celebrates 100th birthday with small family party – Happy Birthday, LeRoy

I don’t know about you, but for me the idea of living to see 100 years old sits in the same category as winning millions on the lottery and waking up tomorrow to discover I have a superpower I didn’t know about.

In other words, I’d love for it to happen, but I think it’s rather unlikely.

Which is why I think when someone reaches his phenomenal milestone, they should be celebrated with pomp and praise.

Well, with that in mind, we’re saying Happy Birthday to LeRoy Marcus, a WWII veteran from Kernersville, North Carolina.

The new centenarian was honored by his family with a small ceremony over the weekend after turning 100.

As per reports, his family said he lived most of his life in Iowa, before his two daughters relocated he and his wife to North Carolina so that they could be closer to them.

Quiet affair

Given the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, LeRoy wasn’t able to have a huge bash – we’re sure he appreciated a rather quieter affair anyway – but at the very least his family and loved ones were there to help him begin a new century of life on earth, and that’s what matters most!

LeRoy even sported a hat reading: “100 Never Looked So Good!”

Here’s to wishing LeRoy a very Happy Birthday and many healthy returns.

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