Young mom picks daughter up from day care – looks at her feet and makes shocking discovery

When young mom Jessica Hayes, of North Carolina, USA, picked up one-year-old daughter Addison from day care, she immediately spotted something was wrong, according to the Daily Mirror.

Not only were Addison’s feet swollen, but there were red welts around the 17-month-old baby’s joints.

Facebook / jessica.hayes

Where did she get these injuries from?

Well, according to the Mirror, as Addison had learned to take off her shoes – and as such was doing it repeatedly during day care – two of the carers decided to tape them to her feet. They fastened the tape so tightly that it left bruises and red marks around her ankles.

Facebook / jessica.hayes

When Jessica went to pick up her daughter, she was so shocked by the behaviour that she took to Facebook to make a public post.

“Someone was clearly upset that she was learning to take her shoes off and done it out of being aggravated,” she wrote.

She continued: “This was also not just her shoes being taped up it was around her ankle, my 17-month-old child was unable to say anything.”

Drama not over

Many people supported Jessica after her post, but she was also criticised for expressing her anger on social media.

Comments included such rebukes as: “Why so angry? Look at the pictures you posted. The shoes are too big and the little one probably kept losing them. What should (they) do? Buy her a pair of shoes that fit.”

Although Jessica received responses that disagreed with her, we would always encourage people to report similar incidents to this, as to make other people aware of potential dangers.

This has been proven in the effect of Jessica’s message. Her Facebook post led to a direct apology from the day care center’s director, who fired the two workers responsible, as per the Mirror.

Facebook / jessica.hayes

Children can’t defend themselves against adults and this mother was well within her rights to complain over Addison’s treatment.

Please share this post to wish the little girl a speedy recovery. Help us spread the word to ensure no other children suffer needlessly.

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