The beauty industry is one millions of women partake in. So, so many of us work hard to follow social conventions of what beauty should look like. Then, as we age, we struggle to maintain a youthful look.
But with age comes wisdom — and who said ‘old’ can’t be beautiful?
“Grombre” is a growing trend of gorgeous locks of ombre grey hair that more and more women are embracing. It’s now developed into a massive worldwide community of women keen on showing their ‘true colors’.
The concept was coined in 2016 by 26-year-old Martha Truslow Smith, who had her first grey hair when she was 14. Martha decided it was time for the stigma on grey to stop.
Here are 20 amazing women embracing their true selves and proving that grey hair is as beautiful as any other.
1. Streaks of Joy
“I may look older now, but I have rarely been as happy with myself as a whole as during this transition so far. I have learnt to love me for who I am and just the way I am, and I owe it to my hair I often hear that it is only hair, but the truth is that there is more than just hair involved. To those of you on the fence, give it a try. If you do not like it you can always go back to colouring your hair!”
2. Cool as a Cucumber
“Almost got upset today when someone asked me if I was my niece’s grandma but then I got home and my husband said that I look like the best version of me.”
3. Founder of Grombe, Martha Truslow Smith
“Celebrating TWO years! It’s easy to get caught up in the everyday bumps and bruises, and losing sight of the scope of your progress is all too easy to do. Be encouraged!”
4. Like Mother Like Daughter
“I get it from my momma!”
5. Purple and Grey
Who said grey can’t be colorful?
6. Brides of Grey
“I got married last year. I had people saying ‘you should dye your hair for your wedding. You’ll regret it. You’re going to look so old!’ I could not be happier about the fact that I was MYSELF on my wedding day!”
7. Silver Patch
“My mom said I always had a small patch of silver from a child but not noticeable (I don’t remember seeing grey hair as a child but my hair was thick and long so my mom would comb it and put it in really funky styles). As a young adult, I had dreadlocks but I would dye them black so they would look “healthy” and shiny. About 6 years ago, my hairdresser at the time said, “why are you dyeing these wonderful greys?!! People are paying to put grey in and covering yours up!”. I stopped and embraced my silver patch. When I cut my locs off, my “mojo” (yes, that’s what I call it) burst forth in all its glory… Did I say how thrilled I was to find this community?”
8. Being Myself
“About 5 years ago, I decided to go grey. All on its own, my hair became what I’d been trying to achieve for years through dyes — dynamic, unique, and vibrant. It feels so good to just be myself.”
9. Glowing with Silver
Pregnant women can go grey, too!
10. Fairy Tale Locks
“I’ve been greying since the age of 13 and I’ve never dyed my hair. Furthermore, I’ve been growing it since 12 and I have entirely forfeited cutting it five years ago. I’m profoundly happy with the way it looks. The colour and the length combined are one of my favourite attributes.”
11. Stunning Crown
She looks like a goddess if you ask me!
12. Family Tradition
“I started noticing grey at the age of 11. Now I am 30. Haven’t colored my hair in 4 years. My mom, sister and me have the same hair color.”
13. Part of Me
“My white streak began to show when I was 16 years old. My mother, aunt and uncle all have white hair. I can never see me coloring my hair. It is truly a part of who I am.”
14. Hot Mama
@young_and_gray29 says she started graying at 13 and stopped coloring her locks a few years back. Well done!
15. Streaks of Wisdom
Wisdom is beautiful.
16. Rocking Grey at 26
Isn’t she stunning!
17. Grey Forever
“I’m 30 years old, but I have had grey hair since I was 5 years old and I actually love it. I’m very happy to discover hundreds of women like me.”
18. Curly Greys
It works beautifully both on straight, and curly hair — as this woman proves.
19. Embracing It
“I have had patches of grey in my hair since I was 13. I have dyed my hair over 50 times since then (8 years ago!) and now I just embrace it, pretend I’m Rogue from X-Men and have a grand old time!”
20. All Smiles
No wonder she’s smiling — she looks so beautiful!
SHARE these photos to celebrate these brave womens’ inner and outer beauty and their passion for being just who they are!