At the start of the pandemic we heard many instances of frontline workers separating themselves from their families in order to keep them safe.
COVID-19 was and still is such an unknown that nurses, doctors, and those who worked closely with those who may have been exposed often pitched a tent in their living room, stayed at a hotel, or set up camp in an RV in their driveway.
For six weeks JT Rice lived out of a trailer, donated by his parents, that was parked next to his home in Rochester, NY. While some may call it excessive, he did it to protect his wife who was pregnant.
Now, the couple are proud parents of a healthy boy.
JT is a University of Rochester Medical Center nurse and at the height of the pandemic he was assigned to work in the pediatric COVID ICU unit.
While he worked with some of his area’s sickest patients, his wife, Taylor, was working at home and pregnant with their first child.
“Missing out on things like her being able to feel the baby move on the outside for the first time. She was able to start feeling that the other day and I can’t be in there to feel that with her,” JT told Rochester First in April. “It’s emotional for the both of us, but we’re trying to make the best of it.”
Although Taylor said pregnancy was something couples “should experience together” and the time apart was “very difficult,” the two communicated through FaceTime and texting.
But that didn’t stop JT from counting down the days until the two could reunite.
“I had a calendar, I was kind of counting down the days,” he said.
Finally, after a one-month rotation, two-week quarantine, and a negative COVID test, JT and Taylor were finally able to reunite weeks before Taylor gave birth.
“It was such a relief, to be able to come back inside.”
Taylor gave birth to a healthy boy named Jackson in August.
“For as crazy as 2020 has been, between the pandemic and all the troubles in the world having him is like having that shining light, where it’s like, there’s light at the end of the tunnel,” JT said.
“You just look at him, and you get a smile on your face no matter what’s going on in the world.”
Congratulations! Both of you made an incredible sacrifice to make sure everyone was kept safe during such an uncertain time. May your family remain safe and healthy.
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