The color of your ear wax can reveal a lot about your health – everyone should see this

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It’s important to first note that one should NEVER insert cotton swabs such as Q-tips or other foreign objects in one’s ear canal. These should only be used for the outer parts of the ear. With that said, let’s look at the different colors and textures of earwax — and what it can mean when wax suddenly changes its shape.

Soft, sticky and yellow

One of the most common types of earwax is sticky and yellow. This type of ear wax is useful to lubricate the ear canal, and prevent it from getting dry and itchy.

White and dry

White and dry earwax is also common. Individuals who produce less body odor may have this color ear wax. But it can also indicate that the body is suffering from a vitamin deficiency, particularly copper or iron.

Brown or black

Old ear wax that has been in the ear for a long time usually has a darker color. But if you discover brown or black earwax, it may also be a sign of stress and that you need to relax. Black earwax can also be a symptom of a fungal infection in the ear.

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Gray earwax? It might sound strange, but in fact, it’s just a sign that ear wax is doing its job and protecting the ear. A grayish color simply means that some dirt has also accumulated inside the ear.


If you notice that your ear wax is red or bloody it may be an indication of a damaged ear canal. It may also be a sign that you have an ear infection. If you notice this, you should always see a doctor to be on the safe side.


It is quite normal to have fluid ear wax that flows from the ear canal in small amounts, as it means that the ear is cleansed. But if it comes in large amounts, it may indicate that you have an injury in your inner ear, or are about to get an ear infection of some kind. In this case, it may be also be a good idea to see a doctor.

Foul smelling

Foul smelling earwax can mean you are suffering from an ear infection and among other things, some form of blockage in your ear.

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If the color of your ear wax differs from time to time, you need not worry. However, if you notice that your ear wax has changed to a rather different color than you had before, then you should contact your doctor.

Please share this information with your friends so that they also learn the types of earwax to keep an eye on. You never know who you might be helping!

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