Car Owner Pours Boiling Water On His Bumper To Fix A Dent.

There’s nothing more frustrating than denting your car’s bumper. You’re basically stuck between calling your insurance company (and having your rate go up) and heading down to the body shop (and shelling out a small fortune)—that is, if you don’t watch this video. When I saw the guy in this video fix his bumper with a pot of boiling water, I was shocked. I thought to myself: where was this when I was in high school and dented my mom’s minivan? But you’re probably not a teenager googling how to fix a bumper before your parents find out. You’re probably more interested in saving money. And the good news is, if your car has a plastic bumper (which most cars do these days), you can fix it yourself for free! Ready to learn how? First, boil a pot of water. Next, slowly pour it onto the dented area. Then, carefully push the dent outward from the inside of the car or from under the wheel. Lastly, pour cold water onto the bumper to cool the area and “freeze” it into place. Yes, it’s that easy! Don’t think it’s possible? Watch the clip below to see it in action.

Amazed when the bumper pops back into shape? Share this video with your friends and maybe you’ll save some of them hundreds (or thousands) of dollars!

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