I won’t deny it – I’m the type who collects plenty of ‘stuff’ and have a rather hard time separating myself from my possessions – ever. As you can imagine, this affects my home quite a bit – especially the garage. But lately I’ve started to think more resourcefully (did I have a choice?) and when hesitating to throw something away, I ask myself a simple question: is there anything else I can do with it? As it turns out, the response to that can be as wild and far-reaching as the imagination goes… A great example of where imagination can take you can be seen in these amazing crib hacks. I absolutely loved these, especially no 7… It just looks awesome! Lesson of the day: don’t throw your old crib away! Which is your favorite? Leave your pick in the comments!
1. As children grow a little bigger, the crib can make an ideal playhouse.
Photo: creatingreallyawesomefreethings.com

2. But it can also be very useful to us older folk… for example, with this gorgeous patio sofa.
Photo: creatingreallyawesomefreethings.com

3. …Or why not use it as an table to help beautifully organize your next BBQ?
Photo: consignmentsalequeen.net

4. …And a cozy chair for your backyard.
Photo: creatingreallyawesomefreethings.com

5. Can also be very useful to dry wet clothes…
Photo: Imgur

6. Or a shelf to display your precious porcelain up on a wall.
Photo: creatingreallyawesomefreethings.com

7. Why not make a beautiful (and useful) table out of it?
Photo: achadosdedecoracao.blogspot.com

8. Or as a less elaborate project, this shelf to hang your kitchen tools on.
Photo: instructables.com

9. Or a general storage shelf.
Photo: instructables.com

10. It’s also perfect for storing jewelry.
Photo: creatingreallyawesomefreethings.com

11. Last, but not least, this practical magazine rack.
Photo: bluecricketdesign.net

Cover photo:YouTube
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