This Clever, Inexpensive Trick Will Transform Your Bedroom Window.

Here’s Annabel’s bedroom window.

Annabel brushed a layer of “starch jelly” on each window pane. The jelly, which acts as an adhesive, consists of two tablespoons of cornstarch and an equal amount of cold water. Then, Annabel added 3 cups of boiling water to the mixture.

Before she mixed the gel, Annabel cut out a rectangular piece of lace.

She brushed a thick layer of glue on the window and made sure to cover all of the corners and edges.

A tip to get rid of annoying air pockets: iron your fabric first to smooth out any creases!

In less than an hour, Annabel created an elegant way to both have more privacy and still enjoy the beautiful morning light. When she wants to remove the lace, she just needs to pull it off from one corner and then simply wash her window with warm water.

It’s beautiful, isn’t it?

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