This IKEA-Trick Cost Less Than $15, But The Result Is Just World Class.

This is the corner where the shelf was meant to stand.

Although the family measured the space before making their purchase, they discovered to their surprise that it did not fit. As you can see below, it sticks out a bit from the doorway.

But soon after they came to an idea that is as simple as brilliant: turning the end unit 90 degrees. Then took everything fit perfectly! But the creativity did not stop there …

Because they did not like the blank side, they thought, why not cover it with a full-length chalkboard. And so they did.

They taped off its edges using 3M ScotchBlue Painter’s Tape and taped down old cds to round the corners, adding a couple coats of chalkboard spray paint… and that was it!

They let the board dry and removed the tape.

The finished result? Awesome!

Everything fit perfectly and stands firmly in place: There is space for photo albums, important papers and enough room for boxes.

Talk about a transformation! This is proof that smart solutions are always available if you just think a bit 🙂

Source: Iron&Twine

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