7-year-old Tripp Halstead dies 5 years after being hit by falling tree branch

To lose a child is possibly the hardest thing any parent could ever have to face.

Whether through illness or accident, there is nothing that can prepare a mother or father for saying goodbye to the thing they cherish most in the whole world.

Sadly, it’s what the parents of Tripp Halstead are going to have to do, after they confirmed today that their 7-year-old son has passed away.

Tripp was just two when he was hit on the head by a falling tree branch outside of his daycare five years ago. It was a tragedy that changed the course of several lives …

Tripp’s mother Stacey confirmed in a social media post earlier today that her baby had been taken to hospital, having been found struggling to breathe when she went to wake him up for school.

The 7-year-old then died of infection, leaving his mother and father with a void that will never be filled.

There are no words to express how Bill and I are feeling at this moment. We are beyond devastated and honestly I believe…

Posted by Tripp Halstead Updates on Thursday, March 15, 2018

Five years ago, on October 29, 2012, Tripp was struck by a falling tree branch outside of his daycare centre. He suffered brain damage as a result, remaining in a coma for several weeks after the incident.

Despite managing to survive, Tripp wasn’t able to return home for 10 months. Obviously, the lives of Tripp and his family were greatly impacted by the accident, but they tried their best to retain as many aspects of normality as possible. His mother set up the Facebook page Tripp Halstead Updates, to keep his many followers updated on his condition.

Stacy’s Saturday post: Unfortunately Tripp needed some oxygen Thursday night and last night only when he was sleeping…

Posted by Tripp Halstead Updates on Saturday, March 3, 2018

Announcing the news of her beloved son’s passing, heartbroken Stacey wrote:

‘There are no words to express how Bill and I are feeling at this moment. We are beyond devastated and honestly I believe I am in shock. Our amazing, perfect, beautiful miracle of a son, Tripp Hughes Halstead passed away at 5:47 pm today. He was our whole world.

We love you Trippadoo and you will never realize the impact you made on our lives.

I have no idea when I will post again. I’m still processing everything. But Bill and I were in the room when he passed at the hospital. His little body was just done fighting this last infection. His little heart gave out. This winter was brutal for him. I’m just so thankful he had the best summer ever. Jet skis, Disney World, the list is endless and that’s when we got those amazing huge smiles.

At this time, I will not be reading the comments but your welcome to leave them for me to read in the coming weeks.

You have been the most loyal and outstanding followers we could have ever asked for and We thank you from the bottom of our hearts for the past 5 1/2 years. You let us into your lives and You were there when we needed you most.

Love, Bill and Stacy’

We wish Tripp’s family all the very best moving forward, and it goes without saying that Tripp is in our prayers and thoughts. It’s unfair that such an innocent soul be taken from the earth so early in life, but we can only hope that he’s now in a place of warmth and comfort.

Hit the share button to celebrate little Tripp’s life and spread awareness of this brave young boy who fought adversity for the majority of his time here.