How often do you use cursive writing? Every day? Once in a while?
Over the course of time lessons on cursive have made way for lessons on how to type on a computer, but the past few years have seen an increase in the number of states that require schools bring back handwriting lessons.
Ohio is the most recent state to bring cursive back to schools.
Former Governor John Kasich passed House Bill 58, which will give schools in Ohio the resources to teach students how to write in cursive.
According to WCMH, an earlier version of the bill mandated cursive writing, but the Senate changed the language to make the handwriting lessons optional.

The current bill states that the Department of Education will provide instructional materials that will be “designed to enable students to print letters and words legibly by grade three and create readable documents using legible cursive handwriting by the end of grade five.”
The materials are required to be included in the school’s curriculum by July 1, 2019 and periodically updated.
The bill also states that the Department of Education will distribute of packet on ” personal financial responsibility” to high school students. Each school district has the option of incorporating the instructional material into their curriculum.