Doctor becomes father again at 83-years-old: “I want to live to be 105 to see him graduate”

No one forgets the moment they become a parent. It is a life-changing feeling and reminds you of everything that ties you to this earth. People can become parents at any age; whether as teenagers or when they are in their forties, there are no set rules.

But then, there are always outliers. And Dr. Alberto Cormillot is one of them. The Argentinean doctor is already a legend in his country, and now by fathering a child at 83, he has become a legend all over the world!

Dr. Cormillot himself was born in Buenos Aires on August 31, 1938. He is a prominent figure for public health in Argentina, with his decades-long career having helped thousands. The doctor’s obesity treatment institutions, educational activities, and media messages made information about nutrition easier to access and understand.

The doctor’s personal life was brought to the forefront in 2019 when he publicly announced his marriage to Estefanía Pasquini, who is 48 years younger than the doctor.

The couple welcomed their first child Emilio in 2021. A lot of eyebrows were raised when Estefanía gave birth, with people making comments about how long the doctor would even be present in his newborn son’s life.

The couple however, remained above the criticism. The doctor made a statement saying, “Everything people have talked about this week, we already talked about 3 months ago […]. I didn’t ask myself the question (about age), I’m asking it now, since people have started to mention it.”

As for Estefanía, she is not a stranger to the concept of having to raise her child on her own in the future. She shared that she had talked to her friends about this situation and they said, “‘Yes, it’s going to happen, you’re going to have a child and tomorrow he won’t be there, for logical reasons of life […]. And when he is no longer there, we will all be there to take you forward’.”

The couple is heavily-involved in raising their son Emilio. Both of them have mutually decided not to give Emilio any sugar or salt for the first two years of his life.

This is not Dr. Cormillot’s first time as a father. He has two much older children; Reneé, and later his son Adrián. However, his son Emilio comes after a fifty-year gap from his last child.

The doctor commented that while he has done fatherhood before, the new technologies and updates in parenting are making him feel like a first-time father.

He commented that, “I don’t remember much of what the experience is anymore. Yesterday we went to look for strollers, so we did a course on strollers. These didn’t even exist back then, they used to be much more primitive,” he continued, Before there were cloth diapers that were washed and changed, and today it is totally different.”

And as for the reaction of his older children to the news of another much younger sibling, the doctor said they reacted as he expected. “My son said that he will have someone to play catch with, and having a brother is something he will like. And Reneé, as a female child, is ambivalent. On the one hand, she’s happy and on the other hand, it’s hard for her,” he said.

Dr. Cormillot is clearly enjoying fatherhood just as much the second time around.

He made a comment saying that everyone is biased towards older people having children. He said, “A single-parent family can have a child, but not an elderly person. It is not a very wise thing to do. A senior citizen is an overload, they are disposable, disposable, not even recyclable, and many people buy that. And I don’t buy it and I didn’t buy it.”

The doctor clearly practices what he preaches because he is still very active despite his old age. Dr. Cormillot still actively tap dances and aerial dances as well. He shared that some medical tests he has done show the wear and tear he has done to his body over the years but he does not let that stop him from living his life to the fullest and being as active as he can be!

As for what the doctor hopes for his relationship with his youngest, he said he hopes to live till he is a 105 so he can see his baby graduate. He added that while he will not be a young man of 30 when graduation time comes, he would still be there.

Dr. Cormillot also shared a heartwarming gift he has prepared for Emilio for when his son is older. The doctor said he got his son a phone with a number and sends the number messages, pictures, and recorded stories for his son to enjoy when he is older.

Dr. Cormillot’s story just goes to show you that you are able to experience life fully at any age. This tale of a father being the best support for his son despite his limitations is truly heartwarming.

Share Dr. Cormillot’s story with your friends and family to remind them that age is just a number.