Fit and healthy mom-of-two struggling to breathe from coronavirus gives chilling update from ICU bed

If anyone doubted the potential lethality of coronavirus, or the damage it could do, surely the past few weeks have proven them wrong.

I’ll admit, I was sceptical in the very beginning. I believed that it would be brought under control in good order and that the media was simply scaremongering as they usually like to do.

Fast forward to now, though, and it’s become apparent that the planet is in a fight against a ruthless enemy indeed. The elderly, the very young, the sick and those with underlying health problems have every right to be concerned. As does everyone else.

A fit, healthy mom who filmed herself struggling to breathe has said having coronavirus felt like having “glass in her lungs”.

As per the Daily Mail, Tara Jane Langston, 39, is now out of intensive care and on the road to recovery. She said that the virus left every breath being a battle, having been rushed to hospital last Friday and diagnosed with COVID-19 on Sunday.

“It’s like having glass in your lungs, it’s hard to explain, but every breath is a battle,” Tara told the Mail.

“It’s absolutely horrible and I wouldn’t want to go through anything like this ever again. I’d been ill for about five days before I was taken to hospital in an ambulance.

“I’d originally been diagnosed with a chest infection and given antibiotics and advised to take ibuprofen and paracetamol. I was taking about eight ibuprofen a day and they now think that that exacerbated the problem.

“When I was taken into intensive care they originally planned to sedate me and keep me in intubation because my body had gone through it all for the best part of a week and I was shattered.

“Fortunately I was kept awake but needed six litres of oxygen. Now that I’m improving I’m on one litre.” 

Tara filmed herself while in intensive care to highlight the severity of COVID-19 while pleading with others to take it seriously.

She is said to have been feeling unwell all of last week before being taken to hospital when her condition worsened.

The mom-of-two’s video went viral on social media, showing her struggling to breathe and gasping for air. More than anything it serves as frightening proof that it’s not just the elderly or infirm who could be at serious risk of coronavirus.

Tara says in the video: “I’m in the intensive care unit and I can’t breathe without this. They’ve had to sew that into my artery. I’ve got a cannula, another cannula and a catheter. I’m actually ten times better than what I was before. I’ve lost count of the days.

“If anyone still smokes, put the cigarettes down because I’m telling you now you need your f***ing lungs and, please, none of you take any chances, I mean it, because if it gets really bad than you’re going to end up here. My body is fighting this so once again don’t take any chances.”

Thankfully Ms. Langston is now on the road to recovery after her ordeal. We’re sending our thoughts and hope that she gets better quickly!

Meanwhile, please share this article to raise awareness as to how serious coronavirus really is. Most of us know by now but it seems like there are still many out there willing to risk their health and the health of others by ignoring the advice of the experts.

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