Across the country, in order to graduate high school, students must meet certain requirements. Along with requiring courses in English, Mathematics, Science, and other subjects, Florida’s Governor Ron DeSantis wants to add to add another subject, civics.
“It is imperative that today’s students understand our government’s structure and the way in which the Constitution, federal, and state laws empower them to become active, productive citizens,” he said.
All high school students will be required to take a civics test.
Even though DeSantis announced he will direct Education Commissioner Richard Corcoran to require all students take a civics exam, it won’t be a graduation requirement.
As long as a student takes the exam and passes all the other requirements, they will graduate.
The governor hopes the test will resemble the exam taken by naturalized citizens.
DeSantis said the goal of the new requirement is to prepare students to contribute to the world.
“You may need some skills you learned in school, you may not need others, but no matter what you do, you are going to be required to exercise the duties of citizenship,” he said.
While the proposal has received praise, there was some concern about how students would handle yet another state-mandated test.
“It’s great initiative,” Collier School Board Chairwoman Stephanie Lucarelli said. “My hope is that by adding one more test that they really take a good look at trying to pare back some of the other state tests that we have.”
According to WESH, Florida law already requires students take a civics course beginning in sixth grade.
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