It was a shocking sight for doctors at a hospital in China when a young girl was brought in with what appeared to be a growth under her skin.
The four-year-old, known only as Le Le, was brought into hospital by her parents after they spotted a red ring under the skin of her arm.
At first doctors thought it was an infection or allergies that had caused the inflammation on the arm of the girl, who is from China’s Eastern Anhui Province.
Further examination led doctors to conclude that it was likely caused by an elastic band that had become embedded in her right arm. Her parents refused to believe the diagnosis but allowed their child to stay in the hospital for a few days, as per the Metro newspaper.
Scans of her right arm revealed a foreign body under her skin and a rubber band was removed during surgery.
Le Le, who lived with her grandparents at the time, continued her recovery in hospital.

Doctor Ye said in his 20-year career he had only seen one similar case.
“Some elders also like to tie thin red strings around children’s necks, wrists or fingers for good luck, but the practice comes with risks,” he said, as per the Metro.
“Thin strings and elastic bands can easily be concealed in the flaps of the child’s skin. Some young kids are still too young to talk, and the band goes unnoticed by their guardians.”
I’ve never seen anything like this before, I don’t know how it wasn’t spotted sooner. Thank goodness it’s been removed.
Please share to warn others.