Joan Collins is a giant in the world of television. The actress is known for her role as Alexis Carrington on “Dynasty,” a character she first played in 1981. In her private life, the actress has not always had an easy time.
She revealed some startling details about her life that many did not know about. She has health with many things that people had no clue about.
Keep reading to learn more about the actress and her current life.
Joan Collins had been married four times when she said she would not walk down the aisle again. But when she met a man 30 years younger than her, and she immediately had to take her words back.
Now, twenty years later, she has been happily married for about two decades. Collins is a mainstay of Hollywood because of her role as Alexis Carrington on “Dynasty.” The icon has ruled over hearts for decades because of her breathtaking beauty.
While she made waves in her professional life, her personal life was not as easy. The actress first marriage was to Maxwell Reed, a British actor. The actress’ marriage to Reed was not a very happy one, she later shared what understanding the couple had come to, “We made it clear from the beginning that there were certain things we wouldn’t tolerate in our marriage.”
She shared her ordeal much later saying, “Sadly, abuse is something I experienced in my first marriage, and no woman (or man) should ever allow it, either mental or physical, although so many still do. That is why I support the #MeToo movement and I hope that it will spread outside of show business and fashion to help everyone.”
She married Anthony Newley next, a singer known for his musical theater and pop music. While they were happy together, she discovered Newley’s unfaithfulness.
Recalling her heartbreak, she said, “Infidelity is another no-no. My marriage to Anthony Newley ended because of his womanizing and to me that breaks a sacred bond. Faithfulness and trust in each other are essential […].” The couple had two children together, Tara and Sacha.
Her third marriage was to Ronald S. Kass, a music executive who at one point was the head of the Beatles’ record label, Apple.
When they married, Kass had lost his job and was embroiled in financial issues which led to him being reliant on Collins. According to some reports, Kass was also dealing with a heroin addiction. During their marriage, they welcomed their daughter Katy Kass. Soon after, however, they split.
She married a fourth time, this time to Swedish singer Peter Holm. The relationship became a mainstay of the tabloids, and Holms was best known for his relationship with Collins, even though he was a celebrated musician in Europe.
Looking back at her experience, the actress said they were “dragging along” the relationship. She went on to say, “After the acrimonious divorce from my fourth husband, Peter Holm — a process that lasted longer than the 13-month marriage itself — I had declared that I never wanted to marry again […].”
However, then she met Percy Gibson, a theater company manager 32 years her junior. She decided to take the plunge for the fifth time. At the time of her fifth marriage, she was 68 years old! The couple had met at a book signing event for Collins’ self help book “My Friends’ Secrets” in New York City.
“Percy is the most honorable man I’ve ever met,” the actress said of her fifth husband. The actress said their relationship was built gradually, which allowed them to understand one another a lot better.
“We got to know each other very, very well before we committed. We really, really got to know each other deeply in the right way,” she said.
While people talked of their big age gap, Collins never let it disturb her. In fact, she was more than happy to ignore people since she had finally found someone who shared her zest for life.
She said marrying a younger man motivated her to not just stay fit physically but also mentally. She also joked that she has so much energy that it sometimes surpasses that of her younger husband!

When people saw the couple together, the comments about the age gap faded away as people saw firsthand how in love the two of them were with each other. She once joked about their age gap, saying, “If he dies, he dies!”
She shared that their marriage is built on nearly two decades of shared values and respect for one another. Collins said she also embraced the advice she had heard from her friend Michael Caine about having separate bathrooms.
The actress humorously shared the piece of advice she makes sure to follow, “Michael once said the secret to a happy marriage is separate bathrooms. We try to keep to that rule. It really does make a difference.”
She also shared that while they may have their disagreements, they are quick to apologize to one another and laugh it off. They make it a point to celebrate the other person. She shared how their respect for one another makes it easy to be in a happy marriage.
Collins shared, “We compliment each other all the time but I’m also quick to point out if he’s getting a bit of a tummy, and he will say if I’ve gone a bit OTT with the glitz.”
The actress went on to say, “Percy loves me best when we are at home together – me without make-up and him unshaven and in his tracksuit bottoms.” This year the couple celebrated 22 years together.
It is clear that the couple is head over heels in love with one another. It seems like this marriage has been a solid one for Joan Collins. What do you think of their marriage to one another? Share this with others to see what they think!