Single father devoted his life to raising son, one day finds out boy is not his

Dominique Hermann’s social media is filled with photos of his mouth-watering creations as a chef, support for various charities, and mostly of his children, daughter Shanice and son Keyshawn, who’s a member of the U.S. Marine Corps.    

One child however has been missing from his posts. Born in January 2019, Sa’kye Dominique was all over Hermann’s Instagram, where followers watched his many firsts, like his first steps, his first teeth, his first dentist appointment, and then his first good-bye.

Sa’Kye, abandoned by his mother when he was only one month, was left in the care of Hermann, who believed he was the boy’s biological father. After embracing the challenges of single parenting, and giving Sa’Kye all his love, Hermann was court ordered to surrender the child to his real father.

Welcoming the new baby, that he believed to be his, Dominique Hermann, confessed that at 40, he wasn’t prepared to be a father again. But he was excited for the baby, who instantly stole his heart.

When the baby’s mother abandoned him and Sa’Kye Dominique, Hermann was left raising the child on his own, as a single father.

“…to clear the confusion his mom is not deceased, she’s just a dead beat mom,” Hermann explained on his Instagram. He continued, “His mother left us when he was a month old and for nine months I raised him up to the best of my ability. It was not easy raising him alone but I had lots of help.”

The Haitian-born chef, who lives in New Jersey, said he wasn’t raising Sa’Kye alone. He hired a babysitter, who volunteered her support, and his sister and parents, who also grew attached to the little baby, were always on hand to help with the newest family member.

At the start of November 2019, Hermann posted an adorable photo of the baby’s first visit to the dentist, where he had all five teeth checked.

This was a couple of weeks before his first Thanksgiving, his first Christmas and then his one-year birthday party, days the family was excited to share with Sa’Kye.

But neither Hermann nor his family had the chance to celebrate those days with Sa’Kye.

Hermann was gutted when he found out that Sa’Kye wasn’t really his, and that a court order was forcing him to return the baby to his biological father.

On November 20, 2019, when he learned he had to give up his “young little angel,” Hermann wrote a heartfelt post on his Instagram, “So today went to court and was ordered to return to his biological dad .. come to find out I was not his dad so I have by Thursday to bring him back like a rented toy to his dad. Yes I’m heart broken and hate the world or her for doing this and destroyed my family and the dad family. This shit hurt like hell but I know I got the support of people out here. I’m sorry I broke my family heart and I do hope he’s in God hand and will forever be my son.”

After Hermann spoke with Sa’Kye’s biological family, he was heartbroken but understood, and agreed to hand over the baby on the day that happened to be his 10-month birthday.

On November 21, in another emotional post, Hermann wrote, “…I spoke to his new family I don’t blame them or upset by them at all; they did nothing wrong in my eyes. And if I was his dad I would want him back also. So as a man applaud that and understand. It saddens me.”

Having to say goodbye to the baby was difficult for Hermann, who missed him terribly.

Two months later, Hermann shared a sweet photo of Sa’kye resting on his chest. The boy’s biological father invited Hermann and his family to see the baby, whom he thought he’d never see again.

Hermann hasn’t seen Sa’Kye since that day but every now and then, he’ll post a photo, recalling the love he shared, and will always have for the little one, who is now four.

It’s heartbreaking that Dominique Hermann became entangled in his partner’s lies. But, she is the reason Hermann had 10 months of love with his sweet angel, that for sure will last a lifetime. We hope that one day soon Hermann will be reunited with Sa’Kye and we look forward to seeing the photos on his Instagram!

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