Wynona Judd’s daughter, Grace Kelley, seems to have landed herself in some trouble. The incident has been surprising to learn about.
Keep reading to find out what happened, which led to her being arrested!
Singer Wynonna Judd’s 27-year-old daughter, Grace Kelley, has been taken into custody in Alabama on April 5 for a surprising crime. According to police records, the 27-year-old was booked at Elmore County Jail around 5 p.m.
She was booked on charges of indecent exposure and obstructing governmental operations. Both these charges are misdemeanors.
Her bond was set for $1,000 and according to the inmate roster, it seems Kelley was not bailed out on bond and is still in jail as of Tuesday afternoon.

According to details, she “exposed her breasts and lower body” at the intersection of Interstate 65 and Highway 14 in Millbrook, Alabama. According to booking info, Millbrook is Kelley’s current city where she is residing.
According to the official reports, the police said Kelley sat on the roadside for quite a while and refused to show her identification to police once they were detained. Her court date has been set for April 11.
Kelley has had several run-ins with the law in the past. In 2016, she was arrested for possession of meth. She served 30 days in jail and then was asked to attend a court-mandated drug recovery program. However, she left the program without completing it and hence was sentenced to spend 8 years in West Tennessee State Penitentiary.

In November 2019, she was released on parole but was arrested in 2021 again for probation violation. She was released in December 2022 and re-arrested in May 2023 for violating her parole. She was finally released from prison in October 2023.
In March 2022, she gave birth to her daughter Kaliyah Chanel. She was on leave of absence from jail at the time, and afterward, her 59-year-old mother, Wynonna Judd, was taking care of her.
In October 2022, when Wynonna gave an interview, she revealed that her infant granddaughter was helping her cope with the loneliness and grief that came with her mother Naomi Judd’s death.
“She looks right through me,” Wynonna said of Kaliyah. “She gives me hope.”
She went on, adding, “They give you something to think about other than yourself.”
The singer also joked that “it’s nice to be with her because she doesn’t care what I look like.”
Wynonna Judd passed away from a self-inflicted gunshot wound in April 2022 at the age of 76. She and her daughter Wynonna were inducted into the Country Music Hall of Fame just one day after her death.
Wynonna has not commented on her daughter’s latest run-in with the law.
We hope everything is resolved soon. Share this with other fans of the singer so that they can wish the family well during this difficult time as well.