100th birthday - Read up on all the latest about 100th birthday on Newsner

100th birthday

WWII veteran receives a free haircut on his 100th birthday

Twins sisters celebrate 100th birthday together – gave up their lives to live final years together

Celebrating a birthday is a special occasion no matter what age you are! And if you happen to hit 100 ...

Great-grandmother turns 100, still goes to church and collects donations for grieving families

Some people are lucky enough to find their passion early in their lives and stick to it throughout their time ...

WWII flight instructor turns 100 years old, still works out at YMCA every day

As you get older, you realize that your body does not work the same way that it used to. However, ...

100-year-old great-grandmother who 'never misses a sermon' celebrates birthday in style

Reaching the centennial of your birth is incredibly special. Margaret Terrey has spent the last century spreading joy and living her ...

Woman celebrates her 100th birthday on the 1st birthday of great-great-granddaughter

There is no love greater and purer than the love between a grandmother and her grandchildren. And the further up ...

World War II code breaker celebrates 100th birthday with a special parade – Happy Birthday Julia

A World War II code breaker who helped hunt down Nazi U-boats celebrated her 100th birthday with a parade. Julia ...