bully - Read up on all the latest about bully on Newsner


Violinist’s school bully asks her to play at wedding — she has perfect response

Violinist’s school bully asks her to play at wedding — she has perfect response

An acclaimed violinist with about twenty years of experience recently shut down her childhood bully after receiving an unexpected request ...

11-year-old uses phone to catch teacher's obscene bullying, gets suspended for 5 days

According to sources, Brianna’s teacher had picked on students in her class for their size and appearance, more than once. ...

Bullies laugh and film woman trying to lose weight in the gym – random stranger avenges her brilliantly

When the person in question took to Reddit, they did so in the hope of getting tips on how to ...

This Dad’s Reaction After His Daughter Was Caught Bullying A ‘Fat Girl’ Is Being Hailed By Thousands Of Parents.

“My daughter Callie is, to me, one of the sweetest people I know. She gets good grades, has lovely friends, ...

17-Year-Old’s Sharp Response After Boys In Class Vote Her “Ugliest Girl” Has The Whole World Cheering.

Almost 7,000. That’s the amount of shares 17-year-old Lynelle Cantwell’s Facebook post got after she discovered that her name was ...