random act of kindness - Read up on all the latest about random act of kindness on Newsner

random act of kindness

This Couple’s Dinner Ended In Disaster. But When The Waiter Sees What They Wrote On The Receipt? We Should All Think About This.

Father commits and act of generosity for this elderly woman at the grocery store

While many of us like to imagine we would always do the right thing, that rarely actually happens. If you ...

Secret Santa surprises deserving kindergarten teacher with $3,000 and new car

It’s hard to believe, but the end of the year is near and for those who celebrate Christmas, it’s time ...

Single mother receives symbolic tip from strangers before the new year

"I’m going to build a future because of this. My kids have a future and I have a home."

Uber driver takes new mom on shopping spree

"I believe people get in my car for a reason other than a ride."

Struggling single mom walks three miles to work every day, so her co-workers surprise her with a car

Crystal La Chance, from Salem, Oregon, is a single mother of an 8-year-old son, and works at the KFC. She works ...

Men brighten strangers’ day with wonderful declarations of love

No one should have to feel alone on Valentine’s Day (or any other day)! Please share this video as an ...