Few things beat the smell of meat sizzling on a barbecue in the summer. And if you love to grill, you probably get a special satisfaction watching over your meat as it cooks to perfection.
But even the best backyard barbecue masters end up with the occasional burger or piece of fish stuck to the grill. It’s both annoying to see one of your masterpieces fall apart and time-consuming to clean up.
I know because it’s happened to me more times than I care to remember. Anyway, when I saw this video, I was excited to find out that there’s a simple solution to my barbecue blues. Follow this tip and you won’t need to clean your grill after every barbecue, either!
When the potato touches the hot grill, it excretes starch, giving the grill a natural non-stick coating. Genius!
Another tip for a successful barbecue… Wait until the grill is really hot. This will reduce the risk of meat sticking to the grill even more.
Don’t just keep this tip to yourself! Share it with your friends on Facebook so they can become grill masters this summer, too!
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