Here’s the horrible hidden truth behind baby carrots

Baby carrots appeared in the second half of the 80’s, according to website Healthy Food House. They are made from ordinary carrots that are considered “too ugly” to be sold in store. The ‘mini carrots’ obtain a perfect smooth shape after going through a long process in a machine where regular carrots are shaped into the perfect little cylinder-like snacks.

According to the Washington Post, 70 percent of all carrot consumption in the US consists of baby carrots.

“The majority of consumers have no clue what they’re eating or how it’s produced,” David Just, a professor of behavioral economics at Cornell who studies consumer food choices, told Washington Post. “There are so many people who honestly believe there are baby carrot farmers out there who grow these baby carrots that pop out of the ground and are perfectly convenient and smooth.”

To kill bacteria and prevent disease from spreading, the root vegetables are soaked in chlorine water. In addition, it takes a lot of plastic to pack the carrots. These two facts make eating baby carrots a less wholesome and environment-friendly alternative than regular carrots.

The production of mini-carrots has resulted in less ‘carrot’ waste – but it’s no doubt that the ideal situation would be that grocery stores and consumers accept “ugly” carrots instead.

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