Warm, fragrant pies—they’re so good, but many people don’t bother to bake them out of fear that they won’t be able to pull off the perfect pie.
And I have to admit, I’m not that confident about my pie crusts, either. So when I saw this recipe on the site Thoughtful Women, I couldn’t help but share it.
These days, people use mason jars in all sorts of projects—but I never thought of using them to make pies.
Check out the results below. I’m sure you’ll be as excited as I am to serve them up at a dinner party in the near future!
What you need:
4 mason jars
2 pre-made pie crusts
3-4 cups of cherry filling (or anything other filling that you like)
1 egg
A little sugar
Watch the video below for instructions:
Please share this baking tip with your friends who might like to try this tasty recipe! 🙂
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