Burn a bay leaf in your home – your body will thank you later

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It may well be the aroma of bay leaves that is triggering your good mood.

Bay leaves, which are often used in cooking, have more benefits than just improving the flavor of soups.

Many Home Remedies

Even the ancient Romans and Greeks believed in the healing power of this herb.

They used bay leaves not only in food, but also in medicine. They ingested the leaves fresh, dried, or mixed them with water to fight a variety of diseases.

Bay leaves come from the laurel tree, and it’s no coincidence that the laurel wreath is still used today as a symbol of hope, victory, and heroism.

Flickr / Dorena-wm

Bay leaves have not only been shown to have a calming effect, studies also suggest that the leaves are analgesic, anti-inflammatory, and counteract kidney stones.

Bay leaf oil has antibacterial properties and contains eucalyptol, which can reduce the symptoms of colds and the flu because of eucalyptus’ antiseptic effect on bacteria in the upper respiratory tract.


And there’s an easy trick to take advantage of the herb, if you have any bay leaves lying around at home.

All you need is a fire-safe container, some dried bay leaves, and matches or a lighter. Remember that dried bay leaves burn quickly, so be careful when you light them.

YouTube / Noah Tempestarii

After a few minutes, you’ll hopefully feel a soothing scent fill the room that helps relieve stress and tension.

Some people also feel that their muscles relax after as few as 10 minutes.

YouTube / Noah Tempestarii

The soothing effect of burning bay leaves been attributed to methyl eugenol.

But even if you don’t experience any major improvements in your health, you’ll at least have a home that smells wonderful.

And it doesn’t hurt to have a fragrant home, right?

Flickr / ruth_photographs

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