Her feet and heels hurt around the clock – now watch this expert’s trick to cure the pain


Dr. Donald DeFabio explains how simple it is to treat plantar fasciitis.

Heel spurs can cause severe pain and be very difficult for those suffering from it, sometimes taking up to a year before it heals by itself.

It can affect anyone but typically hits active people such as athletes, as well as heel wearers.

The pain can be very intense – some describe it as someone cutting into their foot with a knife.

It’s often worse in the morning or after you’ve been sitting for a long time. The pain is caused by calcium deposit causing a bony protrusion on the underside of the heel bone.

Dr. DeFabio presents a technique to help solve the problem easily.

The goal, he says, is to reduce inflammation.

Take a look at the video below as Dr. DeFabio shows how with just a few materials and little help, you can treat your own feet from home.

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