Family builds an igloo that makes the neighbors green with envy

Winter is almost here, and I can’t wait for all of the opportunities to have fun in the crisp, cold air.

It’s the season of snow angels, snowmen and snow lanterns. And if you’re feeling a little more creative, you can even make an igloo like the one that this family made one cold winter day..

But it wasn’t just any igloo—this family’s igloo was so special that it made their whole neighborhood green with envy.

To prepare for their fun winter project, the family collected empty juice and milk cartons.

Then, they filled them with colored water and froze them, creating rectangular ice blocks.

Image Source: Imgur

Next, the family found a nice spot in their yard and cleared away the snow to lay the blocks.

Image Source: Imgur

When the preparations were complete, the family laid the circular foundation.

Image Source: Imgur

They set down a layer of ice, followed by a layer of snow, another layer of ice blocks, and so on.

Image Source: Imgur

When they ran out of ice blocks, they reused the cartons to make more.

Image Source: Imgur

The family’s colorful idea was going to make their igloo really stand out in the crowd.

Image Source: Imgur

Almost there…

Image Source: Imgur

Just don’t forget to leave a hole in front so you can get in.

Image Source: Imgur

Last but not least—the family pieced together the roof.

Image Source: Imgur

Ready to see the results?

So beautiful—especially at night when they light up the colorful igloo in the winter darkness.

Image Source: Imgur

Cosy, right? This is one project that kids will surely love!

Image Source: Imgur

Please share with anyone who might like to do something like this with their children or grandchildren!

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