Girl escapes from North Korea and reveals horrifying experience in her country

A girl from North Korea has managed to flee from her nation and has spoken out against what she is calling severe abuse propagated by her country’s government. The young girl, Yeonmi Park, hopes to spead awareness and shed light on the way the North Korean government treats its people.

We already know that the North Korean government engages in heavy censorship, blocking civilians from having access to the internet and only having access to one government controlled TV station. Meanwhile, citizens are executed for receiving phone calls from abroad.

“We aren’t free to sing, say, wear, or think what we want,” Yeonmi said before a large crowd. “North Koreans are being terrorized today.”  

Yeonmi’s words brought tears to my eyes. It also made me realize just how precious freedom is – and that we must never take it for granted!

Listen to her difficult but important talk below. 

This is dreadful to listen to, but I think it’s important to be aware that situations like this are still occurring all over the world. Please share to spread awareness of Yeonmi’s plight!

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