Jamie Lee Curtis made a shocking comment at the SAG Awards

We all know and love actress Jamie Lee Curtis. She has had a successful career which at this point has spanned decades. However, in recent times it seems like she has taken some criticism against her to heart…

She finally addressed the elephant in the room and clearly does not seem embarrassed about it. Keep reading to learn more.


At the 2023 SAG Awards this year some shocking statements were made. Jamie Lee Curtis received a lot of applause during the opening ceremony as she exclaimed “I’m an actor” in the traditional introduction that is part of the show.

Curtis then opened up about her past, about how she received her first SAG card at 19 years old when she was hired for a role in the project titled Operation Petticoat. The television show was based on a film of the same name that Curtis’ part Tony Curtis appeared in. Unfortunately, Curtis was hired and subsequently fired from the project before anything ever really became of it.

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Curtis’ mother, Janet Leigh was also an acclaimed actress. She was best known for her role in Alfred Hitchcock’s Psycho.

“Nepo baby!” Curtis exclaimed about herself which led the crowd to burst into laughter.


Curtis was unfortunately or perhaps fortunately fired from Operation Petticoat. Being fired freed up her schedule and helped her sign on for a “little no-budget horror film” which ended up kick-starting her successful stint in the Halloween franchise.

Speaking to the media after her win, she began to open up. “I joke about it because it’s the thing that people like to joke about. But the truth of the matter is, I’ve been doing this for a very long time and I’ve never worked for anybody I ever knew. I mean, no one. I’ve only worked with strangers,” the actress said.

She further added, “the truth of the matter is, obviously it was a help. Obviously I know a lot about show off business,” she added. “I’m not gonna pretend that there was no effect of having them as my parents. But I’m 64 years old, I’ve been an actress since I was 19.”


“This is Entertainment. This is the season of shiny things. It’s beautiful attention. It’s art. It’s getting to see fabulous people in fancy dresses,” Curtis said. “But we’re all real people, and we live in a world that is at war. And it’s a very tough life out there for most people, and they look at show business — or when I call show-off business — as a distraction.”

“It’s entertainment, and if we’re not having a good time doing it, if we look super serious, there’s a problem,” she further added. “Because then the people watching us aren’t having fun because we’re not having fun. So guess what? We’re having fun.”

Jamie Lee Curtis is being honest about her parents and their legacy in Hollywood. We wish her the best for this award season.

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