I remember going off to college and having to say goodbye to my dogs.
I was devastated as I was going to college across the country and knew I wouldn’t see my beloved pups for another six months.
Any dog owner will most likely know what I am talking about. Being separated from your pet is the worst, and you worry that they’ll forget you.
But when you’re reunited again, it almost makes the separation feel like it was worth it.
One person who might relate, is war veteran Joshua. He was separated from his two dogs for two months, and thanks to the Animal Planet show “Pit Bulls & Parolees,” he was finally reunited with them.
Their reunion will have any dog lover in tears.
Like many war veterans, coming back home wasn’t easy for Joshua. But he found solace in caring for two adorable dogs named Panda and Mama.

Then Joshua moved to California, and for practical reasons, Joshua was left with no choice but to leave his dogs in Louisiana. He missed them terribly and as a plea for help, he asked Tia and Mariah from the Animal Planet show “Pit Bulls & Parolees,” to help him.

When Mariah heard about the war veteran, she knew exactly what she had to do — reunite Mama and Panda with their daddy. So, she drove them all the way from Louisiana to Los Angeles.
And when they saw their daddy, they couldn’t hide their true emotions. It’s just the sweetest reunion I have ever seen.
Watch the clip below and make sure the tissues are close by.
Please share to honor all our war veterans and to show people how much the love of our pets can mean!
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