It’s heartbreaking how some animals are treated, but luckily there are kind people out there willing to give them a fighting chance, even when things seem hopeless.
Last month we told you about Ethan, a dog who was found severely underweight and malnourished after being locked in a cage for weeks. At the time, he was fighting for his life, with only a 50/50 chance of survival.
But against all odds, Ethan has survived and thrived — and in an inspiring update, has reunited with the family who saved his life.
Ethan was originally found outside the Kentucky Humane Society in late January. He was severely underweight, dehydrated and suffering from severe muscle loss.
The KHS described him as the thinnest dog they had ever seen, and realized he had been locked in a cage for weeks with no food.
“The outline of every bone can be seen from his dehydrated skin, and his muscle loss is extreme, as his body tried to find any fuel to survive,” KHS wrote.
Despite being found near-death and with only a modest hope for survival, Ethan has been recovering nicely these past few weeks.
By early February, Ethan had gained significant weight back and was well enough to come off IV fluids and started walking again. His spirit completely changed as well.
“He’s starting to show us his fun loving personality! He is always up for a treat and loves the toys and snacks that everyone has donated to our shelter animals!” KHS wrote on Facebook.
“He is wagging his tail all the time now and wants love all day long. He is being treated like a king and is loving every minute of it!”
Ethan also became a viral celebrity, with people all over sending him get well cards. He even inspired a new animal cruelty bill in Kentucky.
Later, the KHS reported another inspiring update: the dog who arrived at their door skin-and-bones had now reached his goal weight.
“Ethan weighed in at officially 80 lbs today!” KHS wrote. “That means he is officially at his goal weight and has gained 42 lbs in the last month- more than twice his original weight of 38 lbs.”
It’s truly heartwarming to see Ethan doing so well, considering he was on the verge of death just a month ago. And no one was happier about the news than the family who first discovered him.
In a heartwarming full-circle moment, Ethan reunited with the Henderson family, who discovered the starved dog outside the KHS when they went to drop off donations, and helped get him urgent medical care.
They were thrilled to see the dog again, this time in far better health.
“Their 11 year old son, Tatum, was understandably very upset to see a dog in such a horrific condition,” the KHS wrote. “They have been following Ethan’s progress every day since then.”
And Ethan was no doubt happy to see the family that played a huge role in saving his life.
“Another 15 minutes in the cold and he may not have made it,” Jeff Callaway, Ethan’s foster dad and facilities director at KHS, told WHAS11.
“For them to interact together, that was a lot of fun.”
Ethan continues to defy the odds and make a recovery. We’re so glad he was able to reunite with the family who first found him after coming so far.
We wish Ethan a continued recovery and a great life! Share this inspiring story!