Dog is thrown out of car window – then the driver behind does the right thing

In an ideal world, all dog owners would be checked out thoroughly before being allowed to adopt a dog. Because, as most animal lovers know, bringing a dog into your home is a responsibility that lasts a long time.

But unfortunately, a lot of unscrupulous dog breeders will sell their puppies to anyone. And on the buyer’s side, parents often have a hard time saying “no” when their kids beg them to take a super cute puppy home.

A car was cruising along the highway when the driver saw something fly out of the window of a car up ahead. And when they got closer, they discovered the unthinkable. The object that they had just seen tumble down the road was actually a poor innocent dog.

Although it’s dangerous to run out into speeding traffic, they stopped their car and rescued Buddy.

The cruel incident left Buddy seriously injured. And the animal lovers who found him drove him straight to an animal hospital.

Buddy was placed in the ICU and spent six weeks at the hospital before he was able to leave—but now he has a new family.

At first, Buddy wouldn’t trust the humans at the animal hospital to help him, which isn’t strange considering what he went through. But after a lot of love and care, Buddy is now doing well and loves his new family.

Watch Buddy’s recovery, including his amazing transformation here:

I can’t understand how people can be so evil. I really hope that the police find the person who did this to Buddy and that person is never allowed to get close to an animal again.

Share this video to raise awareness and make sure that something like this never happens again. 

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