For Larry Thompson in West Virginia, the disappearance of his dog, Alex, brought his world to a halt.
Alex, a 14-year old Dalmatian, wanted shade and crawled into a sewer. And the unlucky dog got caught 20 feet (7 m) underground when he tried to turn around and crawl out.
It took Larry two days to find him. And the process of saving him proved much more difficult than expected.

Heavy rain forced Larry to divert water so Alex wouldn’t drown.
Larry and his family worked round-the-clock to save Alex, but it wasn’t until Larry borrow an excavator from his cousin that they started to make progress.

Alex had spent four days underground by the time he was finally rescued.

With tears in his eyes, Larry finally reached his best friend and welcomed him back to safety.
Alex was covered with wounds and was fatigued when he was brought on a stretcher to the vet. But luckily, he had no life-threatening injuries.

Immediately after rescuing Alex, Larry covered the hole to prevent this from ever happening again.
Seeing the tremendous work that Larry did to rescue his dog is beautiful to see. Share if you think that Larry set a perfect example for pet owners everywhere!
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