Eight malnourished dogs rescued after being found left out in freezing cold

As you’ve probably noticed, it’s been a rough winter the past few weeks, with large snowstorms and cold freezes hitting many US regions.

And sadly, it’s been taking a toll on animals as well as humans, from a dozen animals dying due to the blackouts in Texas, to pets being left out in the dangerous, freezing weather.

Sadly, there is another case like this, after eight “severely malnourished” dogs were found left out in the cold in Texas.

According to the Houston Humane Society, the Harris County Animal Cruelty Taskforce received a report about the eight dogs, left outside in “deadly temperatures.”

The dogs were reportedly left out by their owner, who seems to have neglected their health to a serious extent. In addition to all the dogs being malnourished, one puppy had a broken jaw.

And of course, Texas has been experiencing record-setting colds as an Arctic freeze has hit the state. Dogs, even “outdoor” dogs, are susceptible to hypothermia and frostbite if left exposed to the cold.

Luckily, these dogs have survived their ordeal. It isn’t clear how long they had been outside for, but they’re safe and warm now at the Houston Humane Society, where they are receiving medical treatment.

Meanwhile, their owner is reportedly “facing charges” for leaving the dogs out in the cold, which is considered animal cruelty in many jurisdictions.

It’s yet another reminder to protect your animals from the cold this winter — and stay vigilant about neglected pets who have been left outside.

The Harris County Animal Cruelty Taskforce says they have been very busy with calls as the freeze continues, and thanked locals for their support: “your reports continue to save [the] lives of many.”

“If you see a pet being left unattended outside for an extended period in freezing weather, please report it immediately.”

We’re so glad these dogs are safe and warm. Please remember to keep your pets inside when temperatures drop to dangerous levels!

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