Once upon a time there was a little cat named Miss Kitty.
Miss Kitty gave birth to kittens during the spring of 1993 and just like any other mother, she wanted to raise her babies until the day they were ready to go out into the big bad world.
But unfortunately something unthinkable happened.
In a tragic turn of events, all her kittens died and Miss Kitty was left all alone with nothing but her strong maternal instinct.
Or at least that’s what she thought…
Kitty lived with owners Missy and Ryan with neighbors whose dog, a Cocker Spaniel, had recently given birth to puppies.
But unlike Kitty, the mamma dog had no interest in raising or taking care of her babies. The poor pups were in desperate need of a mother to care of them and give them love and affection. Otherwise they there was little chance of them surviving.
But Kitty couldn’t just watch and let that happen. That’s when her maternal instincts told he what she had to do.
So, she decided to kidnap the puppies — one by one — and carried them on her neck all the way back to her home.
She tucked all the siblings in an old car seat cover. There she took care of them as if they were her own babies.
“I guess Miss Kitty since her kittens died she felt a need to take care of them [the puppies] when she heard them whining,” owner Missy Grant said. “[She decided] to take over and so when we came home one evening there were five puppies missing.”
“I saw Miss Kitty going across the yard with one of the little puppies in her mouth,” neighbor Linda Blackwell said. “Then Miss Kitty went back and got another one and she kept bringing them across the yard until she had all of them over there.”
“We’ve seen cats adopting other kittens and dogs adopting other puppies,” veterinarian Andrew Holland said. “Very seldom do you see one species nursing after another species.”
Below you can hear all the interviews mentioned in this article and see supermom Miss Kitty in action for yourself.
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