Helen Mirren surprises Kelly Clarkson by revealing her go-to store while filming in Montana

During a recent appearance on The Kelly Clarkson Show, Dame Helen Mirren shared the unexpected store she spent a lot of time in while filming 1923, the prequel to Yellowstone.

While discussing filming in Butte, Montana, Clarkson mentioned she owned a ranch about an hour away, but often visited Butte as it was home to the closest store.

“That’s where I go to get groceries, cause where I live is like super remote. So, that’s where I drive to get milk.”

“There’s one store in Butte, and it’s, like, Walmart,” the host said. “So I love that Dame Helen has been to Butte.”


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And it sounds like Mirren has been to that specific Walmart not just once, but many times.

“I know that Walmart well. I know it like the back of my hand,” she laughed.

“Me too,” Clarkson responded. “But I just love that you walked the aisles of that Walmart. It’s just like…it’s out of pocket for me.”

Despite the lack of shopping, Mirren explained Butte has a rich history, which she said inspired the writers to create her character Cara Dutton Irish.

“When you look at the history of Butte, there were people from Moldavia there, there were Welsh guys, there were Scottish people, there were Irish people, people from the Basque region.”

“That’s what the west was like. All these different accents and cultures,” she said. “That’s very much why I wanted to play [Cara] Irish.”

Imagine walking into Walmart and seeing Helen Mirren walking through the aisles. Now that would be something! Stars, they really are just like us.

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