Mark Wahlberg is considering retiring from acting “sooner rather than later, probably.”
The 50-year-old actor recently told ET that he’s considering stepping back from Hollywood because he, like most parents, wants to spend more time with his children.
“It’s gotta be something special to really bring me, you know, to leave home, to leave those guys behind because it’s the biggest sacrifice in the making for sure.”
Wahlberg, who has four children with wife Rhea Durham, said leaving his family behind while he films is one of the hardest parts of the business.
On the other hand, filming can also be therapeutic. He explained that his mother Alma died while his current film, Father Stu was in production, and his co-stars, especially Jacki Weaver who played his character’s mother, helped him through his grief.
“When losing my mom during the film, she was always someone that I could lean on or rely on,” he said. “To have her there and her support was really incredible. She’s a very special person.”
While Wahlberg isn’t ready to throw in the towel just yet, he hopes the next films he’s involved in are similar to his latest one, Father Stu.
The 50-year-old portrays Stuart Long, an amateur boxer turned Catholic priest, someone Wahlberg is able to relate to with a similar past before finding faith.
“I’ve always been like, O.K., as soon as I get to a certain place, and I have a certain voice and reach and platform, then I’ll start doing more things that will move the needle in terms of my faith, and things that I think could be productive, helpful and in service. So when this project came to me, I was like, ‘You know what? I need to go make this.’” he told American Magazine.
“I feel like this is starting a new chapter for me in that, now, doing things like this — real substance — can help people,” he said. “I definitely want to focus on making more. I wouldn’t say necessarily just faith-based content but things that will help people. So, hopefully this movie will open a door for not only myself but for lots of other people in Hollywood to make more meaningful content.”
Even though he wants to make more faith-based films or films with a message, he said it would have to be something profound as he finds leaving his family behind is the most difficult part of filming.
I’m a big fan of Mark Wahlberg and I would love to see him in more films that have meaning, but I would completely understand if he stepped away from Hollywood.
I know whatever he chooses to do will be the right decision for him and his family.
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