Meghan Markle’s father speaks out after she changed last name

Meghan Markle has recently released her own Netflix shoe titled ‘With Love, Meghan,’ and one moment seems to have irked people and resulted in the former actress catching some ire.

The moment might have seemed insignifcant to some, but it was caught by some immediately.

Keep reading to learn more about it.

Thomas Markle is speaking out about his disappointment with his daughter Meghan Markle. He spoke to UK’s outlet, The Daily Mail talking about his feelings about the Duchess dropping her family last name.

The 79-year-old talked about how his late mother, and Meghan’s paternal grandmother would feel about the matter. He shared, “My mum loved Meghan very much but she would be so disappointed to hear that Meghan no longer wants to use the name ‘Markle.’ My mother was proud to be a Markle. So am I.”

He said the Duchess of Sussex never had an issue with the name before until she married Prince Harry. She sarcastically added, “Now I have to say, ‘I am Meghan Sussex’s dad.'”

He also weighed on his Meghan’s public image. Thomas Markle is currently living in the Philippines, where he relocated from Rosarito, Mexico.

While Markle has not seen the show in totality, he has seen clips of it. Based on the clips he has seen, he critized her for an “inauthenic” presentation as herself. He himself has preeviously worked in Hollywood, working in productions for “Married With Children” and “General Hospital. He argued that hosting requires genuine passion, adding, “Cooking show are horrendously boring unless the presenter has a passion for it.”

He thinks his daughter is too focused on looking perfect and it makes her seem unnatural on camera. He claimed that she plans everything she says and does instead of letting it be spontaneous.

He has obsvered her the last few years and can tell that she is acting. “I know when she’s faking it for the cameras. She’s trying so hard to be perfect that she tenses up every time the camera is on her,” he said.

He shared how the best hosts are relaxed, funny, and not afraid to make mistakes. In his opinion, Meghan needs to strive for perfection less and be more authentic infront of the camera.

Thomas Markle and Meghan, the Duchess of Sussex have been estranged since 2018. He had two heart attacks before her wedding. He shared that he is still conufsed about why she ‘dumped’ him and thinks it has something to do with him missing the ceremony.

Thomas’s comments divided the internet. One person said, The more he talks to the press the more she’s going to keep her distance from him.” While another lamented and wrote, “Really sad how she treats her father! Her father made a mistake, it wasn’t so horrible to never speak to him again!” 

Some people were on Thomas’s side saying how the man is getting older and has never even met his grandchildren. And as Meghan’s father, he has the right to express his own opinions.

Other people however saw why Meghan has distanced herself saying that Thomas’ continuous insistence of speaking to the media. This could be one of the reasons why Markle keeps her distance.

Some also talked of how Meghan choosing to change her last name is a personal decision. Some also pointed out that this was a common thing for women to do after marriage.

Thomas Markle’s interview comes out after Meghan’s new Netflix series aired in which she goes by the surname ‘Sussex.’

In an episode which featured Mindy Kaling, where she referred to the Duchess as Meghan Markle and was immediaely told by Meghan that her last name was different now.

“It’s so funny that you keep saying Meghan Markle. You know, I’m Sussex now,” she said to Mindy.

She also shared why this shift was signifcant for her, she said, “You have kids and you go, ‘No, I share my name with my children and that feels so, I didn’t know how meaningful it would be to me but it just feels so much. This is our family name, our little family name,” she previously talked about this topic in an interview to People Magazine.

“It’s our shared name as a family, and I guess I hadn’t recognized how meaningful that would be to me until we had children,” Meghan shared. “I love that that is something that Archie, Lili, H and I all have together. It means a lot to me.”

Meghan Markle and Prince Harry were given the Sussex title by Queen Elizabeth II on their wedding day in 2018. Even after announcing their stepping back from royal duties in 2020, the couple still retain their titles as Duke and Duchess.

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