Sharon Stone gets massive black eye on ‘tough’ trip, finally breaks silence

Sharon Stone shocked fans when she shared an image on Instagram where her most noticeable accessory was the shiner on her left eye.

“This trip has been tough,” she writes on the July 31 post, where she’s seen with a massive bruiser around her eye.

Keep reading to learn how Stone ended up with a black eye!

Over the past several weeks, Sharon Stone has been taking her fans on a journey as she travels through Europe with her 19-year-old son Laird.

Before her recent stop in Turkey, the 66-year-old star of Basic Instinct accepted the Lifetime Achievement Award at Italy’s Taorima Film Festival, that in the past hosted A-list celebrities like Elizabeth Taylor, Charlton Heston, Audrey Hepburn, Tom Cruise and Robert De Niro.

‘Trip has been tough’

On July 31, the star of The Quick and the Dead shocked her 3.9 million Instagram followers when she shared a post where she’s seen standing in the doorway of an open elevator, sporting a huge black eye.

“This trip has been tough; but I’m tougher,” she writes in the caption of the post, that captured the interest of more than 45,000 fans.

While some reasoned that she’s part of the “Adrenochrome club” – a conspiracy theory that posits Satan worshippers and celebrities torture children and drain their blood to inject and stay youthful – the majority were more rational.

“Black eye [you] make it fashion,” writes one fan, while another shares, “Who said you couldn’t take a punch?”

A third observes, “You still look hot with a black eye!”

Others expressed concern for her well-being and begged the Total Recall star for more information on her injury.

Punctuating the message with a heart emoji, one fan offers, “Hope this is just your ‘acting and painting skills?!?’ Or you are sending out msg (woman /violence [something])?”

A second, suggesting she needs to take it easy, urges Stone to “slow down and ease up on your need for validation.” The user writes, “It seems like you are getting manic [and] going too fast.”

Another remarks: “Damn! I fell [at] home this past weekend and hit my head (twice) against the nightstand. I wrenched my neck and I have a concussion. How did you fall?”

‘Black eye update’

Days later, the Sliver star shared a clip on Instagram, easing the minds of her concerned followers.

“I know you’re all worried about how I got a black eye, so I thought I’d let you know. I’ve been in so many hotels in so many countries that I got up in the middle of the night to pee and didn’t know where I was and smacked my face on the marble,” Stone explains in the video that she captions “Black eye update.”

“No, nobody did anything to me, and yes, I’m just fine and I’m having a great time and I’m being welcomed very beautifully on my trip everywhere that I’ve gone, and I’m having just the greatest time.”

Stone then removes her sunglasses to reveal the purple bruise around her eye.

“It’s getting better, but it really is a good-looking shiner. You should see what I did to that marble floor. Thanks so much for caring about me. I care about you too.”

Offering the actor their support, fans jumped into the comments section with their thoughts.

“Well even a black eye looks good on you,” shares one netizen while a second writes, “Oh, such a beautiful message! So happy you are ok and enjoying your holiday!”

A third cyber fan says, “Still beautiful. But heal soon.”

But not everyone believes Stone’s explanation and pushed their theories of what they think happened.

“Adrenochrome club…won’t keep you ‘young’ forever old lady,” writes one critic. A second adds, “lools like adrenochrom and baby ritual…[sic]”

Please note the Adrenochrome club is a far-fetched and baseless conspiracy theory.

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