So often it seems that delivery drivers carelessly throw our packages on our front porches or leave them on our stoops without so much as ringing the doorbell.
But then there’s people like Justin Bradshaw who saw a family’s sign on their front door and took the extra step to ensure the package was safe.

Due to the coronavirus, Carrie Blasi made a sign warning delivery drivers that someone in her home had an autoimmune disorder, and she would appreciate it if all packages would be left on the step.
Blasi’s daughter, Emma, has Type 1 diabetes, which makes her high-risk for contracting the deadly virus.
Bradshaw spotted the sign and rather than throw the family’s package towards the front door, he carefully placed it on the ground and then proceeded to sanitize it.
Blasi shared Justin’s act of kindness on Twitter.
The Blasi family and Bradshaw had the opportunity to speak with each other after the act of kindness.
“From my family’s heart, we just thank you so much,” Blasi said.
Bradshaw explained that when he saw the note he immediately thought of his daughter, Nova, who was a micro-premie.
“I feel like we all should at least try to do something to help better the situation right now,” Bradshaw said.
We should all be more like Justin, not just now during this global pandemic, but even after.
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