Good Samaritan comforts teen after early morning crash with alleged drunk driver


A mother is looking for a man who helped her 16-year-old son after he was hit by an alleged drunk driver on April 10 in Hot Springs, Arkansas.

The man who is only known by his first name and his previous place of employment helped keep the teen calm.

“He was very kind to Hudson (and tried to calm him down – even talked to me on the phone because Hudson was hysterical and hurt) as he was waiting on us and paramedics after his wreck, the teen’s mother Timie Yancey wrote on Facebook.

Yancey said the accident occurred around 5:30 am when her son was on his way to work out. Hudson was stopped at a red light when he was hit from behind. The force was so great it pushed him into two lanes of oncoming traffic and into a light pole.

“That was probably the scariest moment of my life,” Hudson told KARK. “No one was there to help me, even though I am a 16-year-old kid. I did not know what to do.”

Hudson ran into a nearby gas station searching for help.

“I remember going in, and I had my shirt off to hold the blood, so I did not get blood all over his floor,” Hudson said. “He gave me a hug while I had blood all over me and dripping blood…and at the time he did not know me that well.”

Cole, the attendant who was on duty at the time, not only comforted Hudson but also used the teen’s phone to call the police and his parents.

Hudson and his family are extremely grateful for Cole’s act of kindness and hope to locate him to thank him in person.

They also hope others who see their story will be inspired to be there for someone else during a time of need.

We need more people like Cole in our world. If we all offered just a little more compassion for each other the world would be a much kinder place.


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