We’re all guilty of it…thinking the younger generation doesn’t pay attention to what’s going on around them, but every day at least one person proves us wrong.
In the beginning of March, Sahara Peterson, 13, and her 12-year-old sister Zykira were walking with friends in Indianapolis when they came across a man who was unresponsive.
Rather than leave the scene, the group of kids called 911. And now they’re being praised for saving the man’s life.

They were at Fall Creek Drive South and Capitol Avenue when they spotted a man in desperate need of help. Sahara used her phone to call 911.
Throughout the call she managed to stay calm and give the dispatcher all the important information.
“I was trying to be as calm as possible. I had never seen anything like this before. I didn’t know if I should be nervous since he wasn’t moving. I just wanted him safe, so I tried to keep it together,” she told News 8.
Once they relayed the information to the dispatcher, Sahara and her friends stuck around until the police arrived.
Bodycam footage from IMPD Officer Casey Seaton showed them leading the police to the man.
The man, who has not been identified, experienced a drug overdose and had Sahara, Zykira, and their friends not found him his story might have had a different ending.
“They are heroes. (But) I think that guy should be calling them heroes because they saved his life,” Seaton said.
“I am honestly really glad he got the help he needed,” Sahara said. “The entire time I thought about his future and path. Like, what led him to do that? I hope this is like a wake-up call for him, so he can start over and be grateful.”
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