When I count my blessings before going to bed each evening, one thing I’m particularly thankful for is that I live in an area that is rarely, if ever, affected by natural disasters.
All too often these days do we see dramatic events unfolding around the world that exhibit the devastating power of mother nature.
Last month’s flooding in Tennessee, which left dozens dead and many more missing, was a more recent example.

One of the victims of said flooding was young Kellen Vaghn, an almost two-year-old boy who passed away in Humphrey’s County.
Following Kellen’s tragic death, his family set about preparing for arguably the hardest thing they’ll ever have to do: organizing his funeral.
Since the toddler was a huge fan of motorcycles, they knew they had to be involved in his send-off in some way. To that end, his grandfather, Allen Burrow, issued a plea for bikers to escort his late grandson’s hearse.
As Allen himself explained, he was hoping for somewhere between 75 to 100 motorcycle enthusiasts to answer the call.

“He’s kind of like me,” said Allen.
“Just every time you hear a bike, you look around, see who it is, see if you know him. He just loved seeing bikes.”
Incredibly, 1,000 riders turned out and clogged downtown Dickson, Tennessee.
Using the hashtag #Ride4Kellen, different groups of bikers met up at gas stations and other places in the local area before descending on the Taylor funeral home in droves on Saturday. Some had reportedly come from as far afield as Kentucky.
Deputy Mike Webb, with the Humphrey’s County Sheriff’s Office, said he’d never seen a funeral procession like it in his 40 years on the job. Neither had he ever seen so many motorcycles assembled in one place.
“It was a national news story that this little boy likes bikes,” Webb said. “His family wanted a turnout. Well, he got at turnout.”
An incredible video of Kellen’s service was uploaded to Facebook – you can watch it below – and we’ll think you’ll agree it’s something truly special.
Though Kellen’s death was a tragedy of incomprehensible proportions, his family can perhaps draw a degree of solace from the fact that so many people came together to make his funeral service as special as it was.
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